This howto should help ease the process of installing Microsoft Office 2007 under Wine 1.0 in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron. I should note that after all was said and done, I ended up going back to and sometimes AbiWord. There were just too many small bugs that made the experience frustrating. If I need to run Office 2007, I now do so in either VMWare or Windows XP.

The Story Behind
Once again, Starbucks proves to be a great place to meet interesting people. Today, I met Michael Kovatch, who is recently “Internet” famous for selling to Apple. Thanks for the introduction Kurt! Following is a brief video interview where Michael explains how he acquired You can add this to your trivia files.

Black Friday Last Minute Roundup
Twas the night before Black Friday… This if for those who have waited to the last minute and still want to get in on the action. Following are some resources to help you find the best deals.

This blog is a continuation and expansion of, which has become popular for its technical and life hack content; however, the purpose of that blog has been changed to better serve users.