I recently started a contest for a logo design (The link is not to my contest, just an example). Soon I had over 60 entries and I needed an easy way to present these logos to the client in a Power Point presentation. It takes two clicks to get to each image… no good. Thus the following script was created. It should serve as a good tutorial on how to use Python to do some basic web interactions.
#!/usr/bin/python import urllib import re # Change the variables "contest" and "path"
def retrieveImage( contest, path, name ): url = "http://99designs.com/contests/" + contest + "/entries/" + name urllib.urlretrieve( url, path + name ) if __name__ == '__main__': contest = "6999" #The 99designs content number from which you want to extract images path = "../tmp/" #The path where you want to store the downloaded images url = urllib.urlopen( "http://99designs.com/contests/" + contest + "/feed" ) url_string = url.read() p = re.compile( 'd*.large.w{3,3}' ) iterator = p.finditer( url_string ) for match in iterator: retrieveImage( contest, path , match.group() )
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