Several of my clients recently surprised me by making references to the show Pimp My Ride in context of updating the look and feel of their websites. This idea came to mind again while browsing around Twitter and noticing how cool some people’s profile pages looked, whilst mine… ahem… we’ll let’s just say the shoe maker’s children are always the last to get shoes.
Here are the steps to Pimp Your Twitter page…. we’ll what are you waiting for? Get to pimping!
1. Specifications- What is needed from a technical standpoint?
- Profile picture – Maximum size of 700k in JPG or PNG format. A square dimension is suggested, because Twitter will automatically crop your pic (for the thumbnail view) with square dimensions.
- Background image – Maximum size of 800k in JPG or PNG format. If you prefer to use a template, check out this blog post. Here is a post with some advice on what dimensions to use for your background image.
- Design colors – You can use the provided color picker, or use a hex formatted color code. You will want to match the design colors with the theme of the background image.
2. Format – What should go on my Twitter profile theme?
In short, whatever you think will enhance your image and provide visitors to your profile information that would generally be useful. Here are a few examples of some branding techniques:
3. Execution – Getting it done.
Here is 10 minute video tutorial by Chris Pirillo on how to create a Twitter profile background:
Have you Pimped your Twitter Page? Let’s see, drop a link in the comments. As for me… my children are still making shoes… but you should still follow me.
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