After acquiring a MacBook Pro, and basking in its glow, I became motivated to re-evaluate my overall system for managing my life. I began to conceptulize an all encompassing master system some time ago under the massively creative name Life 2.0. I invite you to take a journey with me towards … drum roll please … Life 3.0! I will start first with a very high level overview of what elements the system must contain for maximum effectiveness.
First, a high level brainstorm of what systems and/or elements are actually needed.
- Voice
- IM
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Lists
- Files ( physical & digital )
- Accounting ( time & money & assets )
- Marketing Automation
- Website
- External Project Management ( support tickets & milestones & deliverables )
- Legal
- Backup & Storage
- Internet Connectivity
This is the method by which the systems will be executed.
- Checklists & Routines
Tools – Hardware
I think it’s first best to define your specific needs, then buy the tools that match. But in many cases, especially in a down economy, you need to get by with what you have. So an inventory of current hardware is useful in determining the best configuration to implement your systems. Following is my own inventory.
- iPod Touch
- Samsung Omnia i900 – Windows Mobile
- Dell Precision Workstation – Vista Ultimate
- Acer Desktop – Vista Home Premium
- Dell Ultraportable – Ubuntu 9.04
- MacBook Pro – OS X
- WD Extrnal Hard Drives
- 2 OfficeJet Printers ( with scanner + fax [why do people still have to fax?!? /minirant] )
- 1 Laser Printer
Tools – Sofware
Same idea as with the hardware, it’s a good idea ot list out your current assets. But keeping in mind that there may be solutions that vastly can increase your productivity and some of those solutions can even be free. Following is a listing of some software and web service assets that I will need to expand upon later.
- PhotoShop CS3
- Microsoft Office Professional 2007
- RoboForm
- PocketInformant
- QuickBooks Premier 2007
- Qtask
- Project Locker
- EchoSign
- Google Voice
- Paypal
- Mail2Web Exchange Services
What’s Next
- Define the criteria for each element of the System.
- Map the Tools to the System, bound by Procedure.
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