
Keeping Your 2010 Resolutions, Web 2.0 Style

It’s time to sweep 2009 under the rug and celebrate 2010 the only way us geeks can … Web 2.0 style! Most of us use the new year as a time to reflect and make resolutions for the coming year. Unfortunately, after a few months, we forget all about those resolutions and go back to our old habits. The number one cause for this is the lack of accountability. While self-accountability plays a key role, having the support of others, is often just the motivation you need to follow through.


Of course, you could use the old fashion method of simply telling your friends and family your resolutions, but then you probably wouldn’t be reading if you participated in such old school methodologies. I’m kidding of course, but if you are reading this, you are interested in how to help make your resolutions a reality using free web 2.0 tools.

Following are two free social networks that can help you create, share and follow through with all of your 2010 new years resolutions and beyond.


If you prefer a guided approach, then this service is what you need. According to their latest blog post, there is a free program called the Personal Freedom Revolution of 2010 that will walk you through the process of creating real change in your life day by day.

At you have the opportunity to invite friends (within and outside of the website) and share all types of content, including blogs, video and photos. All of the programs on this site are free and include: the 90 Day Tools to Life flagship program, Body Makover Jumpstart Tools, Get a Job Tools, Tools to Optimum Health and Start Living Green Tools.

The programs take you through a daily 15 to 30 minute regimen that is located in a metaphorical toolbox. In the toolbox you will view a video, listen to audio, read an article, create and execute a checklist and answer questions. There are also other tools included such as a goal setting mini-application.

Another interesting feature, are the challenges. Here you can create a challenge and invite others to participate with you. During the challenge you update your progress and have the ability to “nudge” those who are lagging.

If you need more inspiration or motivation, head over the Achievements and Inspiration tabs. There you will find blogs written by the community members (at the time of this writing there are over 35,000 members) and the coaches. The coaches are the members who actually created the free programs.


At this writing, claims to have recorded over 207,044 new years resolutions. It’s no wonder, since they provide a very easy way to get your resolutions out of your head and into their system.

First, if you need some inspiration or ideas, check out the tag cloud on the home page and then check out the links along the right hand side under “New Year’s Resolutions”.

Next, create your account and get started. As with all social networks, I recommend you spend some time filling out your profile completely. is used generally to list out your goals, cheer and be cheered by others (the equivalent of receiving a thumbs up or Digg) and comment on the goals of others. For each item on your goals list you can add blog entries, set reminders and mark the goal as done. Once you mark the goal as done, you can explain how you did it, providing inspiration for others.

They have enable a feature specifically for 2010 Resolutions; you simply click on the tab that says “2010 resolutions” from your own personalized profile page and answer the question: “What do you want to do in 2010?”

One drawback, in terms of building an accountability network, is that you can only subscribe to the lists of others. It think it would be best if we could invite others to subscribe to our lists also.


Whichever method you choose, it is important to take a moment and reflect on 2009 and think about where you want to go in 2010. It is my hope that at least one of these tools will help you create the changes you want and need in the coming year.

Do you remember your 2009 resolutions? Did you use any web based tools to help you follow through with those resolutions? Do you plan to use any of these tools, or do you have alternate suggestions? I can’t wait to hear your experiences!

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