
Keeping Your 2010 Resolutions, Web 2.0 Style

It’s time to sweep 2009 under the rug and celebrate 2010 the only way us geeks can … Web 2.0 style! Most of us use the new year as a time to reflect and make resolutions for the coming year. Unfortunately, after a few months, we forget all about those resolutions and go back to our old habits. The number one cause for this is the lack of accountability. While self-accountability plays a key role, having the support of others, is often just the motivation you need to follow through.


Of course, you could use the old fashion method of simply telling your friends and family your resolutions, but then you probably wouldn’t be reading if you participated in such old school methodologies. I’m kidding of course, but if you are reading this, you are interested in how to help make your resolutions a reality using free web 2.0 tools.

Following are two free social networks that can help you create, share and follow through with all of your 2010 new years resolutions and beyond.

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Using The Web To Save on Holiday Gifts

Your gift list has increased, while cash in the bank has decreased. Time to ramp up the savings. Here are some websites that help you to save money on your Holiday gift giving. Enjoy!

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Happy Holloween! Enjoy the Evil Pumpkin!

I found this awesomely carved pumpkin at the LA Zoo. Enjoy!

The background was removed using the Photoshop Extract tool.


Fourth of July Fun in Southern California

I wrote this post for those who have still not decided what to do, or don’t know what iss available to do, for the Fourth of July holiday in Southern California.

If you already have plans, please share in the comments.

Happy Fourth of July! Let the fireworks begin!

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