
How to: Uploading to Slideshare with Keynote

Slideshare is a great tool to share your presentation slides; however, as of this writing, you can not upload Keynote slides. For those of us living in the land of Apples, we have to execute a few more steps to get our slides posted. Following are a guide that should help you get your slides, including the notes and embedded videos, in a condition that is as close to your intention as possible.

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How to Add a Vanity URL to your Facebook Page in Two Minutes

After scouring the Edit Page and settings links, then searching through Facebook’s help system, it ultimately took a Google search to figure out how easy it is to do this.  Hopefully I’ll save you the 15 minutes of my life I can no longer recover.
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Do It Yourself Reputation Management with Google Reader

When your customers are searching for a solution online or begin to research your company, they usually turn to a search engine. Therefore, what shows up on that front page is very important. Using the following tools and procedures, you can stay on top of what the Internet is saying about your company or yourself.

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Why High Quality Web Content is Necessary for Success

The following is guest post by Corry Cummings

You’ve likely heard the old phrase that permeates through online web marketing forums and message boards – Content is King. Why is this? In an online environment where videos are growing in popularity and the average visitor reads about 20% of a page, what makes high quality web content so necessary for success? Well, as you begin to explore the scope and value of content, you might find that there is no single more profitable investment that your online business or web site can make than high quality web content.

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How to Forward an Email as a Text Message

As an entrepreneur and consultant, I find that a balance between being responsive to people vs. focusing on work can often lead to an obsessive email checking compulsion. To battle this issue, I have  a recurring task to clear my inbox every four hours via OmniFocus. When I check off that task (check email, voice mails, text messages, etc…), OmniFocus creates a new task automatically in 4 hours.

But what about the case where there is an email that is critical and you need to know when it arrives right away? Option 1 is to sit in front of your email hitting refresh every 30 seconds, option 2 is to use some sort of notification program that pops something up when you receive a new email. The problem with option 1 is obvious and option 2 is a bit more subtle. Every time you see that pop up or see a number next to your email client you will likely be distracted and break your workflow to check email, only to discover some non-important email.

So this post introduces option 3. Setup a special filter to redirect the email you are looking for to your phone via SMS. This tip assumes that your SMS is primary used for urgent matters. Following are the specific steps to do this in Gmail; however, you can adapt easily to any email client that provides forwarding functionality.

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10 Simple Tips for Local Listing Success

The following is guest post by Emily Thompson:

Local search is becoming one of the most affordable and simple ways for local businesses to connect with prospects and get involved in their community. Did you know that 82 percent of local searches online result in further action: a phone call, site view, in store visit or immediate purchase?* With statistics like this, creating and optimizing your local presence is more important than ever.

The reality is, there are many facets to optimizing for local- including on-page factors such as title tags and meta data, and utilizing your geographic modifiers with your keywords as you optimize your content. While each component is important, one of the most critical pieces is off page: your local listing. For Google, these listings are often given prime placement- right at the top of the page. This placement is key, providing local businesses with visibility that was previously unattainable.

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Reaching Out to Communicate is Key to Project Success

The following is guest post by Victor Karamalis:

We all know that it takes hard work to get the project going and continue. Managers need to be realistic about the expectations that they set forth in the beginning of a project. Overdelivering or scope creep on a scope of a project is common because there are a number of factors including how well people communicate within the internal and external project members. Yet, the 70 percent failure rate from their original scope. This is why creating a great relationship with your project members prior to starting the project is one of the most important aspects of the project.

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Effective Meetings on a Budget

As online project manager you should be using virtual meetings. The first reason is that it’s online and lets you manage the project, so it’s kind of exactly your job. The second is that it saves enormous amounts of time. The third and biggest reason begins with “r”, has nine letters, and rhymes with “Every economy in the world having a panic attack at the exact same moment-ession”. Since virtual meetings save money and time, and with the right tools, you can save even more.
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Internet Marketing: How-to

This post is both a strategy and practical guide based mainly on my experience and those I’ve worked with for the purpose of allowing anyone to understand how to execute a complete Internet Marketing campaign for any type of business or organization.

The structure of this guide is strategic, in that I look at each component of an Internet Marketing campaign from a high level. But included in each component are resources that will give you the necessary information and tools to execute, whether you want to do it yourself or hire help.

Please feel free to add to this guide in the comments section or at the public Social Media Marketing Wiki. In both cases, I will provide a do-follow link to your website in thanks.

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Are Social Media Networks Right for Your Business?

This was the question explored by David Coleman during a fantastic Webinar yesterday. Enjoy the slides and join in on the conversation.