Styles are a great way to keep your documents consistent and easier to modify the overall formatting. For some reason, by default all of the styles, including important ones like “Title” are not available readily. Here is a quick tip to find those styles.

Running Microsoft Office 2007 Under Wine 1.0 in Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04
This howto should help ease the process of installing Microsoft Office 2007 under Wine 1.0 in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron. I should note that after all was said and done, I ended up going back to and sometimes AbiWord. There were just too many small bugs that made the experience frustrating. If I need to run Office 2007, I now do so in either VMWare or Windows XP.

Are Your FireFox 3 Fonts Ugly in Ubuntu Hardy?
Mine were! It looked like some kind of serif font was being substituted for fonts that were sans-serif under Windows. We’ll the fix is very simple. I hope this helps someone.

Installing VMWare Server 2 Beta in Ubuntu Hardy 64bit
After upgrading to Hardy Heron, I found that my VMWare no longer worked. No good! So being the early adopter that I am, I decide its time to give VMWare Server 2 Beta a spin. Oops…. just a bit painful. Thankfully, I finally figured it out through the help of several websites. Here is the step-by-step that should save you a few hours.
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Using Nautilus to Easily Share Linux Folders With Your Network
For those who want to get file sharing up and running as fast as possible, Ubuntu’s (I am using Hardy Heron) Nautilus file manager achieves that goal nicely. Here is a quick howto. [Read more…]

Fix NVidia Drivers After Hardy Heron RC1 Upgrade
After installing Hardy Heron RC1, I found that my NVidia driver was no longer working. After hours of pain, I found the following solution to work easily. [Read more…]

Setting Up Symfony on Ubuntu 7.10 64bit
So you have your shiny new *buntu installed and now you want to start hacking with your favorite framework, Symfony. This quick guide will have you up and running in a few minutes. I assume you have installed Apache 2, PHP5 and MySQL 5 using the defaults with Synaptic. [Read more…]