
The Miracle Morning

Here is a summary of the Life S.A.V.E.R.S technique, to be done immediately after awakening and 30 minutes before your normal waking time:Ā 

  • Silence – prayer/meditation
  • Affirmations – describe the highest vision for yourself
  • Visualization – visualize what success looks like and the actions to get there
  • Exercise – 10 minutes to get the blood flowing. Try a push-up/sit-up/air-squat/pull-up circuit
  • Reading – self-help/motivational books
  • Scribing – check out the 5 minute journal

From the “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod

Listen to Hal’s explanation on the Smart Passive Income podcast.


Best Productivity Hack of 2014: Touch ID


Touch ID iPhone 5s” by – Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

I had given up on fingerprint readers in the 90s when I first used a Dell laptop with a built-in fingerprint reader. At the time, you had to swipe your finger downward across the sensor and most times it would take several swipes to work. Probably because I did not RTFM, I could only use the fingerprint reader to unlock the laptop, though my goal was to login to websites with a swipe of my finger. One could dream …

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Import an OmniFocus Completed Task Report into Evernote via AppleScript

This OmniFocus AppleScript (based on this code) allows you to specify a time frame (e.g. Today, Yesterday, Last Week, etc.) of completed OmniFocus tasks to export into Evernote.

This is what the report looks like:

OmniFocus Completed Task Report Imported to Evernote

Here are some ideas to expand this script:

* organize the results by Folder
* make the note title start with YYYY-MM-DD
* send this report via email


Food ID

I *really* want this idea to become reality. Check it out and let me know what you think.


Chaos Proof Your Habits and Routines

When I became a Developer Evangelist at SendGrid (one of the best jobs on the planet), I learned just how difficult keeping habits and routines while traveling really is. While I still struggle with this challenge, there are a few tips Iā€™d like to pass on to help you keep moving towards your goals, posthaste.

Enjoy and pass along to your chaotic good friends.

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Have you created your own Personal API?

If so, tell me about it šŸ™‚

If not, head on over and read my latest blog post, Quantify Thyself: Creating a Personal Life API, that describes how to create one.


Automate Thyself, Then Go Forth and Multiply Your Robots

I’ve written a two part series about creating bots to automate various aspects of your life. The first part, Automate Your Life With a Bot Army, was published today and the second post is coming soon.

If you have automated something in your life that has been a game changer, let me know and I’ll add it to the second post.

ACTION: Commit to automating at least one system/process per week. Imagine the outcome after 1 year!


Present your next slide deck like a BOSS WIZARD

I just published a blog post over at SendGrid that shows you how to create an amazing interactive presentation. The goal is to help you up your presentation game šŸ™‚

You can check out the final result in action here:

The source code is available at Github.

Happy Hacking!


How to: Uploading to Slideshare with Keynote

Slideshare is a great tool to share your presentation slides; however, as of this writing, you can not upload Keynote slides. For those of us living in the land of Apples, we have to execute a few more steps to get our slides posted. Following are a guide that should help you get your slides, including the notes and embedded videos, in a condition that is as close to your intention as possible.

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Personal Productivity for Developers: Getting in the Zone

If you are a developer or involved in creative work, I urge you to check out the blog post I wrote for SendGrid titled: Personal Development for Developers.

The goal of the post is to provide you with a system that will allow you to find more “Zone” time. All feedback is welcome. Enjoy!