
SMTP Service

Common question: What is it your company does again? Well, now I have a new and improved answer 🙂

Through the experience of working for an email delivery company for the past 4 years, I’ve learned just how important it is to businesses to get their emails delivered, especially transactional emails such as receipts and confirmation emails.

Of course, it’s not magic and you can do it yourself, but this is one of those mission critical services that should be handled by experts. Don’t learn that the hard way.

If you still don’t get why you need a SMTP Service, my friends at SendGrid just released a blog post that explains it much better than I can. Take 5 minutes and give it a quick read.

May all your emails be delivered 🙂


A Checklist for Developers

Do you use a checklist for your programming projects? I would love to learn more about your process.

Please take a moment to check out mine and let me know what you think.


Writing Technical Blog Posts

I just had one of my posts published at SendGrid’s blog on how I write technical blog posts (yes, I wrote a blog post on how to write a blog post).

If you are a writer, technical or non-technical, I think you will find some value in the post. It’s a detailed step-by-step guide (process and tools) that should spark some ideas to include in your own writing work flow.



Present your next slide deck like a BOSS WIZARD

I just published a blog post over at SendGrid that shows you how to create an amazing interactive presentation. The goal is to help you up your presentation game 🙂

You can check out the final result in action here:

The source code is available at Github.

Happy Hacking!


A Personal Life API

Because of Google Glass, the Fitbit, Loseit and my current API design project for our Developer Relations team at SendGrid, I’m becoming more and more interested in the idea of quantified self + everything as an API + automated/intelligent systems. My latest blog post at SendGrid takes a practical look at the API piece of the puzzle.

Back in the days of my first funded startup, one of the ideas I was interested in was to create a Life 2.0 system, using technology to try and remove tasks that must be done, but we hate spending our time on, and then optimizing and enhancing the time spent on things we love to do. I got caught up too much on the implementation though, which at that time was going to be a custom Linux distro.

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How to Develop Google Glass Glassware

Over the past few months I’ve gained some experience writing software (Glassware) for Google Glass. I’ve published the source code and wrote a few blog posts to help others who want to develop Glassware.

If you are interested in Glassware development, have a look, I just might save you hours of time.

Each of the above posts include links to the source code. If you end up developing some Glassware, let me know and I’ll check it out.

Happy Hacking!


This weekend I experienced what it’s like living with Google Glass. I wrote about it on Medium.

Read. Enjoy. Prosper.


How to: Uploading to Slideshare with Keynote

Slideshare is a great tool to share your presentation slides; however, as of this writing, you can not upload Keynote slides. For those of us living in the land of Apples, we have to execute a few more steps to get our slides posted. Following are a guide that should help you get your slides, including the notes and embedded videos, in a condition that is as close to your intention as possible.

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I’ve moved on from my position at SendGrid as Developer Evangelist (one of the coolest jobs on Earth <- we are hiring) to Hacker in Residence. I wrote about it at the SendGrid blog. w00t!


Personal Productivity for Developers: Getting in the Zone

If you are a developer or involved in creative work, I urge you to check out the blog post I wrote for SendGrid titled: Personal Development for Developers.

The goal of the post is to provide you with a system that will allow you to find more “Zone” time. All feedback is welcome. Enjoy!