
Keeping Your 2010 Resolutions, Web 2.0 Style

It’s time to sweep 2009 under the rug and celebrate 2010 the only way us geeks can … Web 2.0 style! Most of us use the new year as a time to reflect and make resolutions for the coming year. Unfortunately, after a few months, we forget all about those resolutions and go back to our old habits. The number one cause for this is the lack of accountability. While self-accountability plays a key role, having the support of others, is often just the motivation you need to follow through.


Of course, you could use the old fashion method of simply telling your friends and family your resolutions, but then you probably wouldn’t be reading if you participated in such old school methodologies. I’m kidding of course, but if you are reading this, you are interested in how to help make your resolutions a reality using free web 2.0 tools.

Following are two free social networks that can help you create, share and follow through with all of your 2010 new years resolutions and beyond.

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Effective Meetings on a Budget

As online project manager you should be using virtual meetings. The first reason is that it’s online and lets you manage the project, so it’s kind of exactly your job. The second is that it saves enormous amounts of time. The third and biggest reason begins with “r”, has nine letters, and rhymes with “Every economy in the world having a panic attack at the exact same moment-ession”. Since virtual meetings save money and time, and with the right tools, you can save even more.
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Online Garage Sale

Your significant other says “What are you going to do with all that junk” and you reply “I’m going to sell it on eBay”. Tick … Tock … 6 months later … “We should have a garage sale!” … shudder at the thought of actually trying to sell stuff without technology! If you wanted to do that, call Clean House or be satisfied with having the world’s filthiest apartment. We’ll maybe not, but the point is that you have lots of stuff that other people want and will pay cash. In this post I will get your creative and motivational juices flowing by offering you some easy options to turn your junk into cash. You can follow any of these tips to get the wheels in motion today from the comfort of your home and computer. I personally recently transformed some junk into this.

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What tabs do you open first when launching your browser?

For many years it was just one tab for me: I can’t remember what it was before then, but it was probably some portal site like or But since the introduction of tabbed browsing, we are no longer constrained with just having a single home page open up when we launch our browsers. Here I share what’s on my auto-launch list, what is on yours?

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Turn Your Windows Mobile Phone into a WiFi Router

This software allows you to transform the data plan on your Windows Mobile based smart phone (here is a list of compatible phones) into a WiFi router for less than a one time $30 fee.

I find this solution most useful for when you have an unlimited data plan and you have several devices such as a iPod Touch and a NetBook that only have WiFi access.

Be sure to check with your cell phone provider to make sure you are not violating any terms of use.


Mobile Productivity with the iPhone or Touch

There are many moments where computing is available in the palm of your hand, but using a NetBook is not. For example: waiting in line anywhere, executing tedious chores or performing any type of repetitive task. In these cases, you can maintain your quest for ultimate productivity with your trusty iPhone or iPod Touch. Following are some ideas you may find useful during those times when the only computing device you can use, fits in the palm of your hand.

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What Ideas Have Increased Your Productivity the Most?

More deadlines and more responsibilities combined with less time has driven us all to look for more ways to increase our productivity and efficiency. In short, every second counts. In this post I share the top ideas that have increased my productivity dramatically.

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Top Online Backup Solutions

My wife asked me the other day if it was possible to lose all our family photos and videos (this happened before on a small scale). My eyes glazed over and I began to experience high blood pressure.

Currently, I backup to a Western Digital MyBook and a second internal hard drive. That’s all fine and dandy until the house burns down (knock on wood). I definitely don’t feel like making backup DVD’s and putting them in a lock box somewhere. That would be so Web 1.0.

So thus, my search for an online  backup solution begins. Here I share my findings for your pleasure.

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Rules, Method and Framework

Before continuing with The System, I find it necessary to take a step back and define the overarching Rules, Methods and Framework.

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The System

After acquiring a MacBook Pro, and basking in its glow, I became motivated to re-evaluate my overall system for managing my life. I began to conceptulize an all encompassing master system some time ago under the massively creative name Life 2.0. I invite you to take a journey with me towards … drum roll please … Life 3.0! I will start first with a very high level overview of what elements the system must contain for maximum effectiveness.

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